Türk Berberinde Krallar Gibi Ağırlanın

Türk Berberinde Krallar Gibi Ağırlanın

Türk berberleri, tıraş becerileriyle dünya genelinde tanınır. Hepinize bu kültürel deneyimden mahrum kalmamanızı tavsiye ederiz. Karşılanmak için bir fincan çayla beklenmek adettendir, sonra gözlerinizi kapatın ve ustanın işini yapmasına izin verin. Türk berberleri, tıraş bıçaklarını samuraylar kadar iyi kullanırlar. Sinek kaydı bir sakal traşı ve güzel bir saç kesimiyle herşey bitiyor mu sandınız; kulak tüylerinin hakkından gelinecek, baş ve boyun masajıyla kendinizi yeniden doğmuş gibi hissedeceksiniz. Emin olun ki her berber sizi krallar gibi ağırlayacak.

27 Mayıs 2024
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A novel by Turkish writer Elif Shafak; A tale of love and division moves between postcolonial Cyprus and London, exploring themes of generational trauma and belonging.Two teenagers, a Greek Cypriot and a Turkish Cypriot, meet at a taverna on the island they both call home. In the taverna, hidden beneath garlands of garlic, chili peppers and creeping honeysuckle, Kostas and Defne grow in their forbidden love for each other.#elifshafak #cyprus #turkishrepublicofnortherncyprus #peace #ficuscarica #sirkeci #sirkecigrouphotels #sirkecimansion #sirkecimansionhotel #lalahanhotel #ilkayhotel #hotellinoistanbul #elanazhotel
We're thrilled to announce that our hotel has been recognized with a prestigious award by Agoda! We'd like to extend a heartfelt thank you to our guests and followers for your continued support. Your positive reviews and kind words have not gone unnoticed. Stay tuned for more exciting news and updates from our hotel #sirkecigrouphotels #sirkecimansion #sirkecimansionhotel #agoda #agodacustomerreviewawards2023 #istanbul #istanbulhotels
We miss our great leader who enlightened our path and our future with his principles. Founder of the Turkish Republic passed away 85 years ago today but his vision and the Turkish Republic will live for ever. #atatürk #turkishrepublic #turkey #sirkecigrouphotels #sirkecimansion #lalahanhotel #ilkayhotel #hotellino #elanazhotel
ALL ROADS LEAD TO ROME! What is meant with Rome in this historical expression was the 'New Rome”' which was “Constantinople”, todays Istanbul. The end of this exciting football adventure will also lead to Istanbul on the 10th of June 2023. Lucky ones willl be in the stadium. If you are not one of them we invite you to come and watch the final match of the Champions League at the @redriverpub with nice ambiance and excellent food (for reservations please whatsapp: +90534 330 0726) #championsleague #roadtoistanbul #championsleaguefinal #championsleaguefinal2023 #istanbul #allroadsleadtorome #sirkeci #redriverpub
Dear Guests, As Turkey we are experiencing one of the biggest natural disasters of our country's history. On the southeastern part  of our countrey in 9 hours we had 2 earthquakes; first 7.8 and the second one 7.6 richter scale. You reach to our hotel and our staff via WhatsApp to ask if we are fine. As hotel staff we all are fine but people of our country there suffer from post eartquake situation and freezing cold. Please keep your prayers with us and if you want to help please get in touch with local oraganizations in your countries. #eartquakeinturkey #eartquake #prayersforturkey #prayersforturkey🇹🇷
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